Lukasiewicz - INS - Scientific Partner of the 59th Hop Congress in Lublin
The IHGC Hop Congress is an International event bringing together hop growers, hop suppliers, and industry experts. This year’s Congress, held in Lublin from July 29th to August 2nd, was hosted by the Polish Hop Growers’ Association, with Łukasiewicz – New Chemical Syntheses Institute as a Scientific Partner.
The conference "Science and industry - challenges and opportunities" has ended
On June 4-6, 2024, the International Conference Science and industry - challenges and opportunities was held in Lublin and Puławy, a continuation of the previously organized Symposium "Science and industry - spectroscopic methods in practice, new challenges and opportunities".
New Director of Łukasiewicz – INS
As of May 21, 2024, the President of the Łukasiewicz Center entrusted the function of Director of Łukasiewicz - INS to Dr. Eng. Cezary Możenski.
International Conference “Science and industry - challenges and opportunities"
We would like to cordially invite you to Poland, the wonderful region of Lublin for the International Conference “Science and industry - challenges and opportunities" which will take place on June 4-6, 2024.
Łukasiewicz – INS presenting its offer at Poleco 2023
This year’s edition of the International Trade Fair for Environmental Protection POLECO took place from the 17th to 19th of October 2023 in Poznań. This event has always attracted players interested in protection of the environment.