• Supercritical extraction of natural raw materials (oils, resins, dyes, etc.)
  • Fractionation of products obtained by means of supercritical extraction
  • New technologies with application of supercritical fluids: micronization, encapsulation, catalytic processes, oxidation in supercritical water


  • Supercritical extraction of natural raw materials (oils, resins, dyes, etc.).
  • Fractionation of products prepared by supercritical extraction.
  • New technologies with application of supercritical fluids: micronization, encapsulation, catalytic processes, oxidation in supercritical water.



  • Development and preparation of experimental extract lots from natural raw materials.
  • Basic engineering of process plants for supercritical extraction, selection of equipment.
  • Design and simulation calculations of basic unit operations for supercritical extraction process.
  • Optimization of supercritical extraction processes, drying, and granulation.




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