HR Logo is the tool whereby the EC wants to:
- develop the European Research Space,
- increase attractiveness of work conditions for researchers in the EU,
- increase mobility of European researchers.
Logo HR Excellence in Research is one of actions undertaken by the European Commission within Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R). This is a prestigious award, the objective of which is to make conditions of employment and career development in research space more attractive for researchers. This award is granted to institutions which offer its employees the best work conditions and which implement the transparent recruitment process compliant with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter and Code) were issued in 2005 as guidelines proposed by the European Commission and addressed to researchers, employers and institutions founding research in the public and private sector. The European Charter is the set of general principles and requirements which refer to obligations and rights of researchers, employers and founders. Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers supplements the rules and requirements specified in the European Charter for Researchers which should be obeyed by employer during recruitment and employment process of researchers. The rules and requirements presented in documents ensure the implementation of transparency of the recruitment process and equal treatment of all the candidates.
More information about the Charter and Code to be found at:
One of the pillars of the European Charter for Researchers, of the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment in particular, is OTM-R policy (open, transparent, merit-based recruitment of researchers). OTM-R ensures that the best applicant is recruited, guarantees equal opportunities and and access for all candidates, facilitates developing an international portfolio and makes research careers more attractive.
Report of the Working Group regarding Open, Transparent andMerit-based Recruitment of Researchers (OTM-R): otm-r_en.pdf
In September 2016, the Institute submitted the prepared HR Strategy for Researchers with the plan of adjustment to the valid rules of Charter and the Code. After carrying out the external evaluation of the prepared HR Strategy, on the 9th of October 2017, the European Commission awarded “HR Excellence in Research” logo to the New Chemical Syntheses Institute. This quality mark is awarded by the European Commission to institutions which implement rules regarding creation of friendly work and career development conditions as well as transparent recruitment of researchers. Awarding the logo is one of the actions of the European Commission within Human Resources Strategy for Researchers. After 2 years, INS will be obliged to carry out internal evaluation of progress and effects regarding the implementation of the Charter and Code, and after 3 years, the external analysis will be carried out by experts appointed by the European Commission, the effects of which will determine if the right to use the logo is maintained.
More information about the Polish institutions which were awarded HR Excellence in Research to be found at:
PDF documents:
- INS consensus form
- Amendments INS 22052017
- HR_strategy_INS_22052017
- Reviewed HR Strategy and OTM-R
- OTM-R checklist
- Internal Review
Benefits of HR Excellence in Research:
- Prestige and recognition of Łukasiewicz - INS as the institution ensuring the best work conditions for research, compliant with the European Standards.
- Confirmation of the application of the European Standards for recruitment of researchers.
- Possibility of posting vacancies on Euraxess.
- Increasing the international recognition of the Institute.
- Rewarding the Institute in international and national research grants (Horizon, the National Science Centre, the National Centre for R&D, Ministry of Education and Science).